FlockFiler   www.flockfiler.com
A product of Cosmic Consulting www.cosmicconsulting.com.

What do users say...

"We purchased FlockFiler Lite just before the first of the year and I LOVE IT!!! With more than 50 lambs on the ground already this season this software is a LIFESAVER!...I love your software and don't know what I'd do with out it."
Sheri Palko, Locust Grove Farm LLC,
Knoxville, TN

More user feedback...

Online Store

FlockFiler Lite & FlockFiler Pro

Purchase here on this page using a credit card or a PayPal account.

Payment Options Fill in your preference of Organization/Farm Name (optional) and then push the Buy One Now button. PayPal's online financial service will securely process your payment. No PayPal account is needed, although PayPal payments are also accepted. If you prefer, you can order by mail.

Download and install the FlockFiler then purchase a license here to turn your installed software into the fully licensed version. The licence purchased here will work in both FlockFiler and the new FlockFiler32 build.

FlockFiler Pro Full License  $295.90 USD
includes a complimentary FlockFiler Lite license
Name:(Will use billing name.)
Organization/Farm Name:
or Address

If blank, your billing address will be used.
License Code:(Provided instantly online after payment.)

With this purchase, nothing will be shipped to you. With this License Code, your downloaded evaluation version of FlockFiler Pro turns into the fully licensed version. A FlockFiler Lite license is also included so you will have full access to both programs. If you already have a license for FlockFiler Lite, you should be purchasing a FlockFiler Pro Upgrade license instead.

Continue through the payment process and push the Return to Merchant button at the end. Your License Code will be presented on the Cosmic Consulting page after your transaction is completed. Your License Code will also be sent to the e-mail address you provide.

If you need to add the sender to an e-mail whitelist, the License Code will be sent to you from trhays@flockfiler.com. If you do not see the e-mail, be sure also to check your spam/junk folder.

If you pay via credit card, the charge will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL*COSMICCONSLT".

Note that the license code system changed starting with FlockFiler Pro v1.0.3. The new license code you purchase here requires at least FlockFiler  Pro v1.0.3. If you are still running an older version in evaluation mode, download and update to the latest version to use the new license code.

FlockFiler Lite and FlockFiler Pro are products of Cosmic Consulting.
info@flockfiler.com   (540) 888-0008