FlockFiler Lite v2.0.4: Some Screen Images

Basic Form. The sheep's primary information is entered on this screen. Gray items are calculated automatically from the white entries. For example, the current age is calculated automatically using the Birthdate.
- View Image: Home Screen. This is the first screen displayed when you start up FlockFiler Lite.
- View Image: Basic Form. The sheep's primary information is entered on this screen. Gray items are calculated automatically from the white entries. For example, the current age is calculated automatically using the Birthdate.
- View Image: Advanced Form – Data Entry. Less frequently needed information is entered on this form. The Breed info is normally calculated from the sire and dam's breed, but the eldest sheep need their breeds specified directly here.
- View Image: Advanced Form – Guided Actions. This screen provides an assortment of buttons to guide data entry for common activities. Some of these buttons also appear elsewhere in the appropriate context on other screens.
- View Image: Advanced Form – Data Management. This screen provides assortment of buttons providing tools to work with your data as a whole. Some of these buttons also appear elsewhere in the appropriate context on other screens.
- View Image: Advanced Form – Utilities. This screen provides assortment of infrequently needed buttons for maintenance of your data. These tools are usually only useful if you have been making large scale automated changes to your data such as importing from external sources. These activities are done automatically during normal data entry.
- View Image: Measuring Form – General. Enter your evaluation scores and genetic measurements here. Two custom numeric fields are provided for you to label and record information that doesn't have a home elsewhere. Similarly six slots are available to record the EPDs or EBVs that you have obtained for your flock.
- View Image: Measuring Form – Wool. Enter your fleece descriptions, evaluations, and measurements here.
- View Image: Measuring Form – Weight. The 50, 60, 90, 100, and 120-day weights are automatically estimated from your weight measurements. The 50 and 60-day adjusted weight automatically takes into account the lamb's sex, how the lamb was born and raised, and the dam's age.
- View Image: List – Weaning Weight. Enter the weaning weight measurements for many sheep at once in this list. Print out this list as a worksheet. Fill in the values on the sheet as you measure them and then enter the measurements back onto the screen. The "Apply Same Date" button lets you automatically fill in the same weaning date on every record.
- View Image: Genealogy Form. Use the green magnifying glass buttons to navigate easily to any sheep displayed. Use the back button (labeled "<" in the upper right corner) feature to navigate back easily. This form is also searchable so you can, for example, find all sheep with Ladd as the grandsire. If desired you can fill in missing entries on the pedigree using the "Select" buttons.
- View Image: Genealogy Form – More Info. This is an enhanced version of the normal Genealogy screen with a user-selectable piece of information displayed under each entry in the pedigree chart. In this example the "Breed Description" is selected for display. Also on this screen you can have FlockFiler Lite automatically calculate the Wright's coefficient of inbreeding for all of your sheep.
- View Image: Siblings and Offspring Form. At a glance you can see all of the direct offspring of a ram or ewe. Quickly record new lambs with the "New Offspring" button.
- View Image: Log Entries Form. Scroll among the history of notes for the sheep. You can create a note for a specific sheep or place notes into the records of many sheep at the same time. The number of notes is unlimited. The most recent notes are shown first. Like everything else, these notes are fully searchable.
- View Image: Log Entries Form – Filtered. This is essentially the same as the regular log entries form except that you get to limit the display to only ones in a particular category. This makes it easy to see at-a-glance the latest vaccination on a sheep for example without having to look past many non-vaccination entries.
- View Image: Form for detailing your Log Entry. You can type in as much info as you want into the Description field. It will scroll for long entries.
- View Image: Customize Form – Behavior. Specify FlockFiler Lite's default data entry behavior here. The values you provide will be automaticaly filled in for new records.
- View Image: Customize Form – Appearance. FlockFiler Lite has six custom fields that you get to label yourself and use to store data that is useful to you but doesn't have a home elsewhere. You can also specify the specific traits associated with the EPV/EBV values you use.
- View Image: Customize Form – Available Breeds. Your flock can be comprised of up to ten distinct breeds. Specify your breeds here before you enter records needing those breeds.
- View Image: Calculations Form. These handy calculation tools are available to assist in your sheep management. You can also see a quick breakdown of the records you are browsing by sex, age, and breeding status.
- View Image: Reports Screen – Select Sheep. Find common lists of sheep or use the powerful Find feature to search for records matching exactly what you need.
- View Image: Reports Screen – Choose List Format. Select what columns of information to display when you view a list of your sheep. Your choice here will reprogram the List button at the top of the screen to use your selected list format. If one of the preprogrammed lists doesn't suit your need, you can create your own with two or four columns containing fields you select.
- View Image: Reports Screen – Printable Reports. A collection of reports are available to easily print some or all of your sheep records.
- View Image: List screen. Your search results are displayed in this default list. Quickly navigate to any sheep on this list using the green magnifying glass button. Any of the lists available on the Reports – Choose List Format screen can be used instead of this list format. Most of the List formats contain the "Quick Find" box at the upper right corner. Just start typing into the Quick Find box to locate a sheep.
- View Image: Import Field Mapping Dialog example when importing records. The powerful import function of FlockFiler Lite lets you automatically read in records in from a spreadsheet or other file and place that information into any data entry field. This makes quick and easy work of reading in all of your existing electronic sheep records when you are getting started with FlockFiler Lite.
- View Image: Specify the Fields and the Field Order for the Export Dialog. The powerful export function of FlockFiler Lite lets you save any or all of FlockFiler Lite's fields to a file. Everything you type into FlockFiler Lite can be exported. This allows you to make graphs and charts using a spreadsheet. You might create a custom report by merging records into a form letter in a word processor.
- View Image: Replace dialog. The powerful "Replace..." feature lets you change information in many records at once.
- View Image: The Specify Calculation dialog when you choose "Replace with calculated result" on the Replace dialog. You can change the contents of a field according to the logic of a calculation that you specify. Advanced users will find abundant power in FlockFiler Lite to work with their data.
FlockFiler Lite and FlockFiler Pro are products of
Cosmic Consulting.
info@flockfiler.com (540) 888-0008