FlockFiler   www.flockfiler.com
A product of Cosmic Consulting www.cosmicconsulting.com.

What do users say...

"I received our FlockFiler software on Saturday and love it! I've been looking around for something that works for our small hobby farm and this fits the bill. It's wonderful to see their pedigrees fall into place."
Liz Swanson, Short and Sweet Sheep Farm,
South Windsor, CT

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Supplemental File 04 v2.0.0 (free)

Updated Jul 2, 2023

This file is only for FlockFiler Pro.

If you need these calculations for FlockFiler Lite, use Supplemental 03.


This is the calculation that will be built into the next update to FlockFiler. It is provided here to give early access to users who have very complicated pedigrees and who are experiencing slowdowns or failures of the built-in Inbreeding and Relationship calculations of FlockFiler Pro.

Download and Installation Instructions

Quit FlockFiler if it is currently running.

Download the and unzip the file: FlockFiler_Supplemental_04.zip (157.4 kB).

Put the file "FlockFiler_Supplemental_04.ffp12" into your "FlockFiler32" or "FlockFiler64" folder. It should sit next to your FlockFilerCentral.ffp12, FlockFilerLiteData.ffp12, and FlockFilerProData.ffp12 files in the "FlockFiler32" or "FlockFiler64" folder.

Start FlockFiler Pro. The supplemental file will be found automatically when FlockFiler is started.

Navigate to the sheep form.

A new menu, "Supplemental", is displayed.

Browse to the set of records for which you want to calculate the inbreeding or relationship coefficients.

For the Relationship calculation choose the "Compared to" record. You will also have the opportunity to Select this in the supplemental file.

Choose "File 04" from the Supplemental menu.

You can use the "Calc" or "Fill in Values" buttons on this supplemental screen instead of the ones on the FlockFiler Pro screen.

The Supplemental 04 calculation window will automatically close when the calculation finishes.

The "Calc" button will calculate (or recalculate) the Wright's Inbreeding Coefficient each of the records in the Found Set of records that you are browsing in FlockFiler Pro. It will also calculate any values that are missing from any common ancestors that are needed for this calculation. If it calculates a sheep that has a full sibling (same sire and dam) that is not in the Found Set, it will fill in the same value for that record since full siblings have identical inbreeding.

The "Fill in Values" button will fill in any missing Relationship values. Unlike the inbreeding calculation, it won't recalculate any existing values. If you want to recalculate values you can use the "Recalculate Relationship Values for Found Set" selection in the Scripts menu of Supplemental 04. If you want to erase all previous calculated Relationship values to save storage space or to force their calculation in the next use of "Fill in Values", choose "Remove all Relationship Values for All Sheep" from the Scripts menu.

FlockFiler Lite and FlockFiler Pro are products of Cosmic Consulting.
info@flockfiler.com   (540) 888-0008